1 Year of Hugo


Wow, its almost over a year ago that I’ve moved from wordpress to Hugo. Time to reflect on a few things.

The likes

  • I like Markdown for formatting a lot. It doesn’t have the same options as the WYSIWYG editor of WordPress, but its totally worth it. Additionally I can write articles in my editor, e.g. VSCode.
  • I don’t update plugins or installations anymore. Any news about some security holes and outdated and unsupported things are of the past.

The don’t likes

  • I still did not get around to create an alias which helps me with the creation of articles based on the current date. Something I’ve mentioned earlier as well, but since I don’t suffer enough, I don’t see this changing in the future soon :D
  • I have to upload my files via FTP and there are often unexpected errors. Files could not be properly overwritten or transfers stop in between. These are things I would like to automatize more but did not find a proper solution yet. My webspace doesn’t have SSH access in its current price tier and I don’t intend to switch over to a vhost or similar.


Was it worth it? Totally. I really like that I don’t have to care that much about my blog anymore and have less troubles keeping it secured. Some things could be nicer, like updating the pages. Maybe its time to fix this in this year then :)

Last updated on Feb 15, 2023 21:28 CET
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