Howto setup local DNS domains and adresses in pihole

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If you use the AVM FritzBox you’ll now about this dreaded DNS suffix “” which every device will get in your network, if you decide to use the DNS server of the FritzBox. I wanted to have something different which doesn’t collide with domains on the internet, e.g. “stuff.local”. As I already use pihole as adblocker on DNS level I needed a solution to configure it in pihole. The following info is based on the pihole forum.

The Solution

Create a file called lan.list in /etc/pihole and fill it with content in the following format:

 <ip-address>  <hostname>.stuff.local  <hostname>

Create a second dnsmasq config file which references the file we’ve just created:

echo "addn-hosts=/etc/pihole/lan.list" | sudo tee /etc/dnsmasq.d/02-lan.conf

Restart the dns services in pihole:

sudo pihole restartdns


You should now be able to lookup your stuff.local hostnames on your pi with e.g.

nslookup box.stuff.local

Name:	box.stuff.local
Last updated on Jan 06, 2022 20:48 CET
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